Today the results were finally posted. My mileage in the results matches my Garmin data, which says 35.51 miles. But, as we all know, Garmin data isn't always the most accurate. The actual distance measured for the winner was 35.76. The actual distance for Perry and Crystal (the couple I was going back and forth with, also in my age group) was 35.7. So the results show Un (the girl that won overall, that finished behind me if I haven't mentioned that lately), then Perry and Crystal, and then me. But, the awards show me winning the 40-49 age group now (I guess because Perry and Crystal told them I was ahead of them), and the RD emailed me asking to confirm my address to send me my plaque. I'm just happy I got credit for that last 27 minutes of running!
Still with me? At this point I'm just hoping the plaque I get doesn't look like this:
Anyway, next up on my agenda is the Blister in the Sun Marathon this coming Sunday in Cookeville, TN. I originally had a work trip scheduled for Sunday through Tuesday and was going to work this in on my travel down. Then I lost my job, and kind of wrote off this race, even though I don't yet have a marathon in Tennessee and this would be state #16 for me. These states aren't going to run themselves. And the RD for this race is hilarious. And I still have a hotel booked using Marriott points. The race is billed as a really stupid thing to do because it's August. In Tennessee. And it will be hot and miserable. Which reminds me of this hilarious video "It's hot as hell" (do not watch if you are easily offended by bad language, or have kids in the room. Or if you're my mom and dad):
Once I realized it's only about an eight hour drive, I decided I'm driving down Saturday, having dinner with some Marathon Maniacs, running Sunday morning and then driving home. If I can run mindless loops in a park for six hours and not lose it, an eight hour drive should be a piece of cake. After this I'm not racing again until the American Discovery Trail Marathon in Colorado Springs on Labor Day. Unless I come across something that looks too fun to pass up.
One more thing - the best 5K in the entire MD/DC/VA area is coming up at the end of September and registration is open. I'm talking, of course, about the Cody's Crew 5K on September 29 in Manassas. Cody's Crew Foundation was started by my friend Mickey Johnson. Mickey lost his son Cody to neuroblastoma, and has since set up this foundation to help fund the brightest and best doctors and scientists who are working towards new treatments and a possible cure for neuroblastoma. At last year's 5K they presented their first check for $100,000 for research.
Mickey is a runner, so he knows how to put on a great race. Very kid friendly, so bring the entire family. There are even finisher medals:
Registration is here:
Sign up, you'll have a great time, support an important cause, and we can hang out. If you're coming from Maryland and want to carpool, let me know.
Now I'm off to buy trail mix, peanut butter M&Ms and diet Mountain Dew for my road trip tomorrow. Don't judge me.
That video cracked me up...